
Status: Active
Effective From
Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean

Related Obligations

Obligation Description Effective Category Audit Point Adopted Audit Point Definition ARPt2 Inclusion CMR Inclusion Average Score (%) When Evaluated
Convention Article 22 (4)
Cooperation with IATTC, including implementation of the WCPFC9 decision (para 80 of WCPFC9 Summary Report)
Overarching requirements
Sub Theme:
Annual report on implementation
05 Sep 2000 - Current No No No
Convention Article 23 (3)
Advice from members on its measures for areas under their national jurisdiction, including conservation and management measures, inspections and surveillance activities. Summary to be provided in Annual Report Part 2
Overarching requirements
Sub Theme:
Annual report on implementation
05 Sep 2002 - Current RP No No No
Convention Article 23 (4)
Measures CCM adopted for regulating activities of fishing vessels flying its flag. Summary to be provided in Annual Report Part 2
Overarching requirements
Sub Theme:
Annual report on implementation
05 Sep 2002 - Current RP No No No
Convention Article 23 (5)
Report from CCM on outcome of an investigation, conducted at the request of another Member related to alleged violations of CMMs by its nationals. Summary to be provided in Part 2
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Annual report on implementation
05 Sep 2002 - Current DL No No No
Convention Article 23 (5)
Report from CCM on outcome of an investigation, conducted at the request of another Member related to alleged violations of CMMs by its nationals. Summary to be provided in Part 2
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Annual report on implementation
05 Sep 2002 - Current RP Yes The Secretariat confirms that CCM provided updates to their case information contained in the Online Compliance Case File System. No No
Convention Article 23 2 (b)
Report by CCMs on fishing activities in the Convention Area ("Annual Report Part 1")
Activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Annual fishing activity reporting
05 Sep 2002 - Current DL No No No
Convention Article 23 2 (b)
Report by CCMs on fishing activities in the Convention Area ("Annual Report Part 1")
Activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Annual fishing activity reporting
05 Sep 2002 - Current RP No No No
Convention Article 23 2 (c)
Report on CCM steps to implement conservation and management measures in the Convention area ("Annual Report Part 2")
Overarching requirements
Sub Theme:
Annual report on implementation
05 Sep 2002 - Current DL No No No
Convention Article 23 2 (c)
Report on CCM steps to implement conservation and management measures in the Convention area ("Annual Report Part 2")
Overarching requirements
Sub Theme:
Annual report on implementation
05 Sep 2002 - Current RP Yes The Secretariat confirms that the CCM has provided any relevant updates in its Annual Report Part 2 for prior year obligations or where there are no updates, has indicated such in its responses to Implementation (I) obligations. No No
Convention Article 24 (1)
Responsibility of flag state to take measures to ensure compliance by its vessels including not conducting unauthorised fishing national waters of a contracting parties
Operational requirements for fishing vessels
Sub Theme:
Vessel authorisation requirements
05 Sep 2002 - Current IM No No No
Convention Article 24 (3)
Requirement that condition of every authorization issued by flag CCM that the fishing vessel operates (i) in the high seas in accordance with Annex III and (ii) in areas under national jurisdiction only if it has required license/permits from coastal CCM
Operational requirements for fishing vessels
Sub Theme:
Vessel authorisation requirements
05 Sep 2002 - Current IM No No No
Convention Article 25 (11)
Report on mechanisms for monitoring international trade and domestic distribution of HMFS. Summary to be provided in Annual Report Part 2
Overarching requirements
Sub Theme:
Annual report on implementation
05 Sep 2002 - Current RP No No No
Convention Article 25 (2)
Report of outcome of an investigation conducted, at the request of another Member of its vessels alleged violation of the Convention or CMMs. Summary to be provided in Part 2
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Annual report on implementation
05 Sep 2002 - Current DL No No No
Convention Article 25 (2)
Report of outcome of an investigation conducted, at the request of another Member of its vessels alleged violation of the Convention or CMMs. Summary to be provided in Part 2
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Annual report on implementation
05 Sep 2002 - Current RP Yes The Secretariat confirms that CCM provided updates to their case information contained in the Online Compliance Case File System. No No
Convention Article 25 (4)
Responses by CCMs to serious violations by its vessels
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Response to alleged violations
05 Sep 2002 - Current IM No No No
Convention Article 25 (8)
Annual Statement of compliance measures, including imposition of sanctions (to be provided in Annual Report Part 2)
Overarching requirements
Sub Theme:
Annual report on implementation
05 Sep 2002 - Current DL No No No
Convention Article 25 (8)
Annual Statement of compliance measures, including imposition of sanctions (to be provided in Annual Report Part 2)
Overarching requirements
Sub Theme:
Annual report on implementation
05 Sep 2002 - Current RP No No No
Convention Article 27
Reports of outcomes of Port State Inspections. Summary to be provided in Part 2
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Annual report on implementation
05 Sep 2002 - Current RP No No No
Convention Article 27 (2)
Measures taken by a port State
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Port State measures
05 Sep 2002 - Current IM No No No
Convention Article 5 (j)
Reports on surveillance activities (sea patrols and aerial surveillance) conducted in areas beyond national jurisdiction. Summary to be provided in Part 2
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Annual report on implementation
05 Sep 2002 - Current RP No No No