Where applicable, describe any alternative measures for whale sharks from CMM 2019-04 21 that are applied by CCMs specifically in EEZs located N30N (provide in Part 2 Annual Report)
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21. Whale shark(4) Notwithstanding sub-paragraph (1) above, for fishing activities in exclusive economic zones of CCMs north of 30 N, CCMs shall implement either this measure or compatible measures consistent with the obligations under this measure. When CCMs apply compatible measures, the CCMs shall annually provide to the Commission, in their Part 2 Annual Report, a description of the measure. 21. Whale shark(1) CCMs shall prohibit their flagged vessels from setting a purse seine on a school of tuna associated with a whale shark if the animal is sighted prior to the commencement of the set. Annex 2: Template for reporting implementation of this CMM. Each CCM shall include the following information in Part 2 of its annual report: 8. Description of compatible measures as referred to in para 21 (4)
Mitigating impacts of fishing on species of special interest