CMM 2011-01 - Conservation and Management Measure for Temporary Extension of CMM 2008-01

You are viewing a historical Conservation and Management Measure.
Status: Historical
Effective From
Effective Until

Related Obligations

Obligation Description Effective Category Audit Point Adopted Audit Point Definition ARPt2 Inclusion CMR Inclusion Average Score (%) When Evaluated
CMM 2011-01 02
The PNA members intend to implement VDS which limit total days fished in their EEZs to no greater than 2010 level.
Quantitative limits for tuna and billfish
Sub Theme:
Purse seine fishery effort control
31 Mar 2012 - 06 Feb 2013
QL No No No
CMM 2011-01 03
Philippines shall restrict their purse seine fishing in the western High Sea Pocket No.1 (Attachment 1) as provided in Attachment 2 and shall not fish in the High Sea Pocket No.2.
Quantitative limits for tuna and billfish
Sub Theme:
Purse seine fishery effort control
31 Mar 2012 - 06 Feb 2013
QL No No No
CMM 2011-01 04
CCMs shall require all their purse seine vessels fishing in the area between 20N to 20S to carry an observer on board.
Observer activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Observer coverage
31 Mar 2012 - 06 Feb 2013
IM No No No
CMM 2011-01 05
For China, the bigeye catch limit including the WCPFC-IATTC overlapping area for longline vessels shall be 11,748mt for 2012.
Quantitative limits for tuna and billfish
Sub Theme:
Bigeye longline catch limits
31 Mar 2012 - 06 Feb 2013
QL No No No
CMM 2011-01 Att 2 03
Philippines vessels to report at least 24 hours prior to entry and no more than 6 hours prior to exiting the HSP-1 SMA in specified format.
Additional measures for tropical tunas
Sub Theme:
HSP requirements
31 Mar 2012 - 06 Feb 2013
RP No No No
CMM 2011-01 Att 2 04
Philippines flagged vessels operating in the HSP-1 shall report sightings of any fishing vessels to the Commission Secretariat in accord with the adopted reporting format.
Additional measures for tropical tunas
Sub Theme:
HSP requirements
31 Mar 2012 - 05 Feb 2013
IM No No No