CMM 2004-01 - Record of Fishing Vessels and Authorization to Fish

You are viewing a historical Conservation and Management Measure. View Latest
Status: Historical
Effective From
Effective Until
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Related Obligations

Obligation Description Effective Category Audit Point Adopted Audit Point Definition ARPt2 Inclusion CMR Inclusion Average Score (%) When Evaluated
CMM 2004-01 06 (a)
Notification by member of any vessel added to its Record
Operational requirements for fishing vessels
Sub Theme:
RFV reporting requirements
08 Dec 2004 - 09 Feb 2010
RP No No No
CMM 2004-01 06 (b)
Notification by member of any change to details of any vessel on its Record
Operational requirements for fishing vessels
Sub Theme:
RFV reporting requirements
08 Dec 2004 - 09 Feb 2010
RP No No No
CMM 2004-01 06 (c)
Notification by member of any vessel deleted from its Record and the reason for deletion
Operational requirements for fishing vessels
Sub Theme:
RFV reporting requirements
08 Dec 2004 - 09 Feb 2010
RP No No No
CMM 2004-01 07
Information as requested by the ED with respect to fishing vessels on member's national record
Operational requirements for fishing vessels
Sub Theme:
RFV reporting requirements
08 Dec 2004 - 09 Feb 2010
RP No No No
CMM 2004-01 11
Member's annual report on its own internal actions and measures taken pursuant to paragraph 1
Overarching requirements
Sub Theme:
Annual report on implementation
08 Dec 2004 - 09 Feb 2010
RP No No No
CMM 2004-01 14
Notification by member of a vessel not on RFV being engaged in fishing / transhipment
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Response to alleged violations
08 Dec 2004 - 09 Feb 2010
RP No No No
CMM 2004-01 15
A member's vessel not on RFV engaged in fishing
Operational requirements for fishing vessels
Sub Theme:
Vessel authorisation requirements
08 Dec 2004 - 09 Feb 2010
IM No No No
CMM 2004-01 16
A non-CCM flagged vessel not on RFV engaged in fishing - ED's notification to all CCM's
Activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Response to alleged violations
08 Dec 2004 - 09 Feb 2010
IM No No No