CMM 2022-05 - Standards, specifications and procedures for the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Record of Fishing Vessels

Status: Active
Effective From

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CMM 2022-05 02
Requirements and specifications to implement CMM 2018-06 paragraph 6 (submit completed vessel record data for vessels authorised to fish beyond its flag CCMs areas under national jurisdiction)
Operational requirements for fishing vessels
Sub Theme:
RFV reporting requirements
04 Jun 2023 - Current RP Yes 1. The Secretariat confirms that the CCM submitted information in AR Pt2 about its implementation of the requirement to submit complete vessel record data to the WCPFC Secretariat that meet the structure and format specifications of Attachment 1, and submit vessel photographs that meet the specifications of Attachment 2 of CMM 2022-05 2. The Secretariat can confirm that it has received the complete vessel record data to the Secretariat for its vessels on the Record of Fishing Vessels as per CMM 2018-06 and CMM 2022-05. Yes No