CMM 2017-02 - Conservation and Management Measure on Minimum Standards for Port State Measures

Status: Active
Effective From

Related Obligations

Obligation Description Effective Category Audit Point Adopted Audit Point Definition ARPt2 Inclusion CMR Inclusion Average Score (%) When Evaluated
CMM 2017-02 02 (b)
Port state right to deny entry into port
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Port State measures
06 Feb 2018 - Current IM No No No
CMM 2017-02 05
Flag CCM to require its flagged vessels to cooperate with any port CCM
Operational requirements for fishing vessels
Sub Theme:
Port State measures
06 Feb 2018 - Current IM No No No
CMM 2017-02 06
Advice of list of designated Ports for Inspection as per CMM 2017-02
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Port State measures
06 Feb 2018 - Current RP No No No
CMM 2017-02 08
Port CCMs to ensure fisheries inspections are conducted by Government Authorised Inspectors
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Port State measures
06 Feb 2018 - Current IM No No No
CMM 2017-02 08
Port CCMs to ensure fisheries inspections are conducted by Government Authorised Inspectors
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Port State measures
06 Feb 2018 - Current RP Yes The Secretariat confirms that port CCMs, that have designated ports in accordance with CMM 2017-02, have submitted information on how they ensure that its fisheries port inspections are undertaken by Government authorized inspectors, and whether each inspector is required to carry a document of identity issued by the port CCM. No Yes
CMM 2017-02 09-10
Minimum requirement for vessels to be inspected by Port CCMs
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Port State measures
06 Feb 2018 - Current IM No No No
CMM 2017-02 09-10
Minimum requirement for vessels to be inspected by Port CCMs
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Port State measures
06 Feb 2018 - Current RP Yes The Secretariat confirms that port CCMs, that have designated ports in accordance with CMM 2017-02, have submitted a statement confirming that it has conducted port inspections of: a) any foreign longline, purse seine and carrier vessel that enters their designated port and is not listed on the RFV, unless the vessel is authorized with another RFMO that the port CCM is a Party to, as practicable; and b) vessels that appear on the IUU list of an RFMO. No Yes
CMM 2017-02 11-12
Request for Port Inspection and response from Port CCM
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Port State measures
06 Feb 2018 - Current IM No No No
CMM 2017-02 13-14
Requirement for Inspection report to be provided if inspection is undertaken by Port CCM
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Port State measures
06 Feb 2018 - Current RP Yes The Secretariat confirms through the relevant requesting CCM and the port CCM that a port inspection report was provided, where requested. No No
CMM 2017-02 13-14
Requirement for Inspection report to be provided if inspection is undertaken by Port CCM
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Port State measures
06 Feb 2018 - Current IM No No No
CMM 2017-02 15
Requirement that a flag CCM investigate any alleged IUU fishing, if reported in a Port inspection report
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Response to alleged violations
06 Feb 2018 - Current IM No No No
CMM 2017-02 16
Requests for assistance from the Secretariat regarding which designated port the vessel may next enter
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Port State measures
06 Feb 2018 - Current IM No No No
CMM 2017-02 17
Expected actions by Port CCMs where there is sufficient evidence of IUU fishing
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Port State measures
06 Feb 2018 - Current IM No No No
CMM 2017-02 17
Expected actions by Port CCMs where there is sufficient evidence of IUU fishing
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Port State measures
06 Feb 2018 - Current RP Yes The Secretariat confirms that port CCMs, that have designated ports in accordance with CMM 2017-02, have submitted a statement confirming that it only provided authorized port entry to vessels that have committed IUU fishing, or fishing related activities in support of IUU fishing, or is on a RFMO IUU list, for inspection and investigation purposes, and prohibited any activities by such vessels that support fishing operations, including landing, transshipment, and re-provisioning. No Yes
CMM 2017-02 18
Guidelines for Port CCMs on inspection procedures, reports, inspector training
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Port State measures
06 Feb 2018 - Current IM No No No
CMM 2017-02 19 and 21
Requirement to notify and maintain current Port CCM contacts with WCPFC and advise of Port State measures applying in designated ports
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Port State measures
06 Feb 2018 - Current RP Yes Secretariat confirms that port CCM has submitted details on its point of contact for purposes of CMM 2017-02 and that the port CCM has notified the Secretariat of its relevant measures adopted pursuant to CMM 2017-02 within 30 days of such measures entering into force. No Yes
CMM 2017-02 20
CCMs shall cooperate and exchange information in support of CMM 2017-02 implementation
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Port State measures
06 Feb 2018 - Current IM No No No
CMM 2017-02 21
Advice of Port State measures applying in designated ports
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Port State measures
06 Feb 2018 - Current RP No No No
CMM 2017-02 22
Assistance to be provided to CCM SIDS for Port State Measures implementation
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Port State measures
06 Feb 2018 - Current IM No No No
CMM 2017-02 23-24
Mechanisms to assist developing CCMs, in particular SIDS, in the implementation of CMM 2017-02
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Port State measures
06 Feb 2018 - Current IM No No No
CMM 2017-02 26
Requirement to encourage use of ports of SIDS to the extent practicable
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Port State measures
06 Feb 2018 - Current IM No Yes No
CMM 2017-02 26
Requirement to encourage use of ports of SIDS to the extent practicable
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Port State measures
06 Feb 2018 - Current RP Yes The Secretariat confirms that the CCM submitted a statement outlining how it, to the extent practicable, encouraged the use of ports of SIDS in order to increase the opportunity to undertake inspections, and participation of SIDS in fisheries for WCPO tuna stocks. Yes Yes
CMM 2017-02 27
Reporting by a SIDS to demonstrate transfer of disproportionate burden
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Port State measures
06 Feb 2018 - Current RP No No No