CMM 2014-05 - Conservation and Management Measure for Sharks (- longline fishery measures)

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Status: Historical
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Related Obligations

Obligation Description Effective Category Audit Point Adopted Audit Point Definition ARPt2 Inclusion CMR Inclusion Average Score (%) When Evaluated
CMM 2014-05 01
Shark mitigation measures to be applied to fisheries targetting tuna and billfish
Mitigating impacts of fishing on species of special interest
Sub Theme:
Shark mitigation and fishery management
05 Dec 2014 - 01 Nov 2020
IM No No No
CMM 2014-05 02
Submit management Plans for fisheries that target sharks in association with WCPFC fisheries
Mitigating impacts of fishing on species of special interest
Sub Theme:
Shark mitigation and fishery management
05 Dec 2014 - 01 Nov 2020
DL No No No
CMM 2014-05 02
Submit management Plans for fisheries that target sharks in association with WCPFC fisheries
Mitigating impacts of fishing on species of special interest
Sub Theme:
Shark mitigation and fishery management
05 Dec 2014 - 01 Nov 2020
RP No No No