13. Each CCM shall ensure that vessels they are responsible for carry observers from the WCPFC Regional Observer Programme (ROP) to observe transhipments at sea as follows:
a. for transhipments to receiving vessels less than or equal to 33 meters in length, and not involving purse seinecaught fish or frozen longlinecaught fish, 100% observer coverage
starting on the effective date of this Measure, with the observer(s) deployed on either the offloading vessel or receiving vessel;
b. for transhipments other than those covered by subparagraph (a) and involving only trollcaught or pole-and-line-caught fish, 100% observer coverage starting 1 January 2013,
with the observer(s) deployed on the receiving vessel.
c. for transhipments other than those covered by subparagraphs (a) and (b), 100% observer coverage starting on the effective date of this Measure, with the observer(s) deployed on the receiving vessel.
Note a WCPFC14 accepted TCC13 recommendation that the Commission requires CCMs to report coverage achieved for their carrier vessels conducting transshipment at sea, in line with the vessel specifications outlined in paragraph 13 of CMM 2009-06, in their AR Pt 2. (TCC13 Summary Report para 200)