CMM 2007-02 - Conservation and Management Measure on the Commission Vessel Monitoring System

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Status: Historical
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Related Obligations

Obligation Description Effective Category Audit Point Adopted Audit Point Definition ARPt2 Inclusion CMR Inclusion Average Score (%) When Evaluated
CMM 2007-02 7b and SSPs 9-14
Report from the Flag State of periodic audits of a representative sample of installed ALCs to verify SSPs are being met
Operational requirements for fishing vessels
Sub Theme:
Annual report on implementation
07 Dec 2007 - 30 Mar 2012
RP No No No
CMM 2007-02 9a and SSPs 2.8
Flag States to ensure vessels comply with WCPFC established requirements and communicate data as required: VTAF enables this to occur
Operational requirements for fishing vessels
Sub Theme:
07 Dec 2007 - 30 Mar 2012
IM No No No