CMM 2006-04 - Conservation and Management Measure for Striped Marlin in the Southwest Pacific

Status: Active
Effective From

Related Obligations

Obligation Description Effective Category Audit Point Adopted Audit Point Definition ARPt2 Inclusion CMR Inclusion Average Score (%) When Evaluated
CMM 2006-04 01
Limit number of fishing vessels fishing for MLS south of 15S to 2000 – 2004 levels
Quantitative limits for tuna and billfish
Sub Theme:
Striped marlin vessel and catch limit
15 Dec 2006 - Current QL Yes The CCM reported in AR Pt2 the number of its flagged vessels fishing for MLS south of 15S and the Secretariat can verify the CCM’s reported number of vessels and confirm that the CCM’s allowable limit has not been exceeded. Yes Yes
CMM 2006-04 04
Annual catches of MLS (bycatch), and annual numbers of vessels fishing for MLS south of 15S and their catch levels
Quantitative limits for tuna and billfish
Sub Theme:
Striped marlin vessel and catch limit
15 Dec 2006 - Current RP Yes The Secretariat confirms that the CCM submitted in its ARPt1: a. the number of its flagged vessels that fished for MLS south of 15S between 2001-2004 and has nominated the maximum number of its flagged vessels that are permitted to continue to fish for MLS south of 15S b. the catch levels of CCM flagged vessels that have taken MLS as a bycatch the number and catch levels of its vessels fishing for MLS south of 15S. No No